“In 10 sessions, you will feel the difference, in 20, you will see the difference and in 30, you’ll be on your way to having a whole new body” J.H. Pilates

Pilates is a complete form of exercise created by a man called Joseph Hubertus Pilates (pictured above). Joseph was born in Germany in 1883 … he suffered from a wide range of debilitating conditions as a child and experimented with many forms of exercise to try and overcome his problems.
He developed his method, which he named Contrology, initially to help improve and strengthen his own body but then went on to assist soldiers during World War 1 while interned by the British in a civilian camp. Joseph took his method to the US in 1926 where he settled in New York and opened a studio which he ran with his wife Clara.
He worked tirelessly in his studio with amazing results until his death in 1967 at the age of 83. Sadly, he didn’t live to see his ideas become widespread but today Pilates is one of the fastest growing forms of exercise in the world. It is endorsed globally by medical practitioners, physiotherapists and osteopaths.
Pilates can be adapted and modified for all body types and is performed either on a mat or on specially designed apparatus. Unlike most other types of exercise, Pilates treats the body as a whole rather than just concentrating on individual or specific areas.
The many benefits include:
- Improved core stability and strength
- Improved flexibility
- Lean and toned muscles
- Reduced back pain and muscle tension
- Better posture
- Flatter stomach
- Improved co-ordination
- Injury rehabilitation
- Increased energy and mobility
- Stress relief
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